Lee County Literacy Council Inc
312 N. Steele Street, Sanford, NC 27330
Phone: (919) 708-2178
Lee County Literacy Council provides expert guidance for our students every step of the way. Adults who drop out of school and want to obtain a GED in order to further their education. Adults where English is a second language and need to be competent to seek employment can qualify for tutoring.
Two decades of success! Our goal is to improve the reading, writing, and arithmetic abilities of low-income students and adults who struggle with literacy skills. We accomplish this with volunteer tutors using research-based methodologies.
We want to help you and your family succeed.
Call 919-708-2178 or email Adult@LeeCountyLiteracyNC.org and ask about our learning resources for adults.
Serving Adults
• High school dropouts
• Adults in workforce
• Offenders on probation
• Job application needed
Call 919-708-2178 or email to learn more about:
Adult Education
Expert guidance every step of the way. We help adults with the next step. Adults who drop out of school and want to obtain a GED in order to further their education.
Remediation to gain entrance into local community college
Adults who have been displaced from the workforce and wanting to return to college to gain skills for a new job. Learn and build remedial skills in order to improve college entrance exam scores for local community college.
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Tutor
English as a second language. We assist adults where English is a second language and need to be competent to seek employment can qualify for tutoring. If you are interested in volunteering for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) please contact our office.
< Coming Soon >
Our mission at the Augustine Literacy Project Sanford® is to improve the reading, writing and spelling abilities of low-income children and teens who struggle with literacy skills. We provide ongoing, hands-on, and accessible tutoring for our students and the resources and training needed for its volunteers.
We train and support volunteer tutors who provide free, long term, one-to-one instruction using the Orton-Gillingham approach and Wilson Reading System® materials. Our tutors work with students in the Sanford area.
Serving school age children who qualify
• Low-income receiving free or reduced lunches at school
• 1-2 years behind in reading, writing or spelling
• Receiving other Social Service such as Medicaid, WIC, or housing
Lee County Literacy Council
Questions and Answers about Literacy and How We Can Serve You
Literacy Improves Our Community, Our Economy, and Individual Lives. Lee County Literacy Council Provides Learning Resources For All Tutors And Students
If I Know Someone Who Needs Help, How Can I Help Them?
• Become a tutor for adults or a child
• Recruit a tutor willing to train
• Make a financial donation
• Tell your friends and family about us
Do You Know Someone Who Struggles With Reading?
We train and support volunteer tutors who provide free long-term, one-to-one instruction using Orton-Gillingham approach and Wilson Reading System® materials. Our tutors work with students in the Sanford, NC area. We provide important resources and learning materials for our students.
Learn More About Our Tutors
• Come from varied backgrounds: teaching experience is not required
• Receive training and ongoing support
• Provide one-to-one instruction
• Volunteer twice a week: each lesson lasts 45-60 minutes
• Materials are provided for free
Why Does Our Community Need a Literacy Program?
• Children do not outgrow poor reading: 74% of poor readers in 3rd grade still struggle in 9th grade
• 65% of NC 4th graders score below proficient in 2013 NAEP results
• Some states base their budget projections for prison construction on reading scores of 2nd graders
• 85% of juvenile offenders have difficulty reading
• 70% of Lee County School students are on free or reduced lunch
• 80.7% Graduation rate in Lee County
• 18% of Lee County Adults lack prose literacy skills (Augustine Literacy Project®)
We Are Here To Help You
Literacy allows parents to read to their children. Improved literacy skills benefit not only the struggling reader, but everyone in our community regardless of age, race, gender, or background.
Literacy and English language proficiency, in reading, writing and arithmetic are tools that help people move out of poverty and get better-paying jobs to support their families.
Sobering US Literacy Facts
• 36 million adults cannot read, write, or do math above 3rd grade level
• Children whose parents have low literacy levels have a 72% chance of being at the lowest level themselves
(poor grades, display behavioral problems, high absentee rates, repeat grades, or drop out)
• 1 in 6 students drop out of high school a year
• 75% of inmates did not complete high school and are classified as low literacy (ProLiteracy®)
What is Literacy?
Literacy is the ability to read, write, design, speak, and listen in such a way that allows you to communicate effectively in today's modern world. The power of literacy lies just not in the ability to read and write, but rather in a person's capacity to apply these skills to effectively connect, interpret, and discern the intricacies of the world in which they live and function.